Hello Josh Triplett (and #753779)!

I've just spent a few minutes revisiting the idea of shipping mountpoint
in util-linux. I'll do my best to make that happen as soon as Stretch
development cycle opens up.

I'm guessing your interest in this is that you might want to purge the
"initscripts" package? I've looked a bit at right now and that seems a
bit more problematic. The reason packages depends on initscripts is not
only mountpoint, but also because of LSB init script header
See for example https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=581420
which talks about this for the hwclock.sh init.d script shipped in
util-linux. There are also several other packages shipping an init
script with LSB header depending on init scripts from "initscripts".
(systemd itself might be able to drop its initscripts dependency, but
other packages in the base system will still pull in initscripts for
you. c.f. procps, etc.)

At first I had the idea that, ok maybe all packages can just change
to depend on 'initscripts | systemd-sysv'. Unfortunately that can
break the case where you have systemd-sysv installed but
boot with "init=/lib/sysvinit/init" on the command line (and not
have initscripts installed).

While I'm interested in having a "legacy-free system" (no sysvinit parts
lingering) I think accomplishing that might be hard to implement in a
way thats acceptable for Debian or atleast too much trouble for what
it's worth. If you're interested in coming up with a solution for this
that would be very welcome!

Andreas Henriksson

PS. I'll be closing this bug as soon as /bin/mountpoint is shipped
by util-linux. Feel free to file a separate bug about initscripts
dependency if you're interested, but please include a way to actually
solve getting rid of the dependency if you do file it.

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