Am 27.11.2014 um 16:41 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> Am 27.11.2014 um 15:59 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> I would have expected, that the socket does *not* exist before systemd
>> is re-execd, but apparently I had a file there:
>>  srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Oct 10 10:41 /run/systemd/notify
>> and no process listening on it.
>> (don't worry about the date, it was run in a VM with a busted clock).
>> *Some* process is triggering the creation of the notification socket and
>> it also seems to have the wrong permissions (should be srwxrwxrwx).
> It's actually a bit simpler: v44 *did* already use /run/systemd/notify
> (with permissions srw-rw-rw-), then it was changed to use an abstract
> namespace and it was changed back and forth a couple of times.
> Maybe a simple chmod will do when upgrading from v44. Will test.

Sjoerd, you mentioned in your bug report, that you upgraded from v208->v215

v208 uses an abstract socket though, so I'm not sure if it's actually
the same issue.
Did you maybe first upgrade from v44 to v208 and then did the
dist-upgrade to v215?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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