control: reassign -1 systemd
control: forcemerge -1 761306

Am 27.11.2014 um 02:49 schrieb Michael Biebl:
> control: forcemerge -1 761306
> Am 26.11.2014 um 23:06 schrieb Michael Biebl:
>> I think, that's the relevant part from the journal, specifically:
>>> Nov 26 19:36:57 debian systemd[1]: bind(@run/systemd/notify) failed: 
>>> Address already in use
>>> Nov 26 19:36:57 debian systemd[1]: Failed to reload: Address already in use
>> Running lsof /run/systemd/notify, doesn't show any process listening on
>> the socket.
>> systemd-udevd in v215 uses Type=notify and I suspect it get's stuck in
>> State activating since the sd_notify call doesn't succeed.
>> I remember Sjoerd running into this issue as well, but I don't remember
>> anymore if he found the root cause and how to fix it.
> I think it's the same bug as [1] and since this affects the dist-upgrade
> from wheezy, I think a RC severity is justified.
> [1]

The notification socket changed from being in the abstract namespace to
/run/systemd/notify in v209 IIRC.

I made an interesting observation: I've added an
ls -la /run/systemd/notify
lsof /run/systemd/notify
in systemd.postinst right before systemd is re-execd.

I would have expected, that the socket does *not* exist before systemd
is re-execd, but apparently I had a file there:

 srw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 Oct 10 10:41 /run/systemd/notify

and no process listening on it.
(don't worry about the date, it was run in a VM with a busted clock).

*Some* process is triggering the creation of the notification socket and
it also seems to have the wrong permissions (should be srwxrwxrwx).

So I've tried and added a brute-force "rm -f /run/systemd/notify" right
before the "systemctl daemon-reexec" and the upgrade of the systemd and
udev package completed successfully.

Does anyone have an idea what's going on here and how to fix it properly?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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