At Mon, 9 Jun 2014 00:57:19 +0600,
Roman Mamedov wrote:
> [1  <text/plain; US-ASCII (quoted-printable)>]
> On Sun, 08 Jun 2014 20:43:40 +0200
> Tim Schumacher <> wrote:
> > I'm setting up some vm foo and wanted to use approx to cache downloads.
> >
> > I put the following in my sources.lst on the client:
> >
> > deb http://[fe80::fc54:ff:fe1a:1922%eth0]:9999/debian/packages/ jessie main 
> > contrib non-free
> >
> > I think the %eth0 is required to specify the device.
> Can you name any other client software which supports this in URLs?
> Wget, curl, browsers, ftp clients, media players - none do.
> For that reason *no one* uses link-local addresses for HTTP.
> Set yourself up some ULA range[1], and better yet, assing some DNS names so 
> you
> don't have to use bare IPs in URLs (which too, can be a complicated issue with
> curl).
> If you still want link-locals to work, in case of approx you likely need to
> complain to curl, since that's what it uses under-the-hood for HTTP.

This has nothing to do with curl, as approx uses ocamlnet[1] to
provide its httpd stuff, if I read the source[2] right.

And by the curl supports ipv6 link local addresses[3].

There seems to be a somewhat related ticket[4], but I think the %eth0
is throwing the ocamlnet lib off the track.

And your argument that no one uses link local addresses is invalid, as
I use them all the time, because they are predictable and so can be
used very easy for autoconfiguring stuff.

And this is clearly a bug, which should be solved and not worked
arround somehow.




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