]] Michael Biebl 


> Am 11.05.2014 18:51, schrieb Tollef Fog Heen:
> > 
> > reassign 747743 openssh-server
> > thanks
> > 
> > ]] Julian Wollrath 
> > 
> >> I have the package openssh-server installed but disabled starting the 
> >> server
> >> daemon via 'update-rc.d ssh disable', since I do not need it running all 
> >> the
> >> time. When I switched to systemd suddenly the ssh service was started 
> >> despite
> >> the fact, that I had disabled it. But I also had kdm only enabled for 
> >> runlevel
> >> 5, systemd recognized that correctly and did not started it in different
> >> runlevels. Somehow the detection that ssh was totally disabled failed (or 
> >> it
> >> was not even tried to detect that). The same holds for the bluetooth 
> >> service,
> >> which I also disabled but which got started by systemd nevertheless.
> > 
> > This sounds like a bug in the SSH packaging, so reassigning to
> > openssh-server.
> > 
> > Colin, feel free to poke us if there's anything we can help with.  (Or
> > reassign back if you feel this is a bug in systemd/dh_systemd.)
> Actually, I discussed that with Michael Stapelberg when we worked on the
> dh-systemd helper. The problem is, update-rc.d doesn't provide any API
> to query if a SysV init script is enabled or not. We filed a bug for
> that a while ago without any feedback so far from the sysvinit
> maintainers [0].
> So, when adding a native service file, it's not really possible to
> mirror the enabled state in a way which works universally and I don't
> think there is anything we can do in the dh_systemd helper regarding
> that. I'm also not sure if it is fixable manually.

Ok, seems like I might have misjudged then.

We should do the 98% solution, which is to check
/etc/rc[S2].d/S??$basename then, IMO.  If somebody comes up with code to
do the check for file-rc and other uncommon systems, that's fine, but
sysvinit will be the most common one by far.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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