Am 11.05.2014 18:51, schrieb Tollef Fog Heen:
> reassign 747743 openssh-server
> thanks
> ]] Julian Wollrath 
>> I have the package openssh-server installed but disabled starting the server
>> daemon via 'update-rc.d ssh disable', since I do not need it running all the
>> time. When I switched to systemd suddenly the ssh service was started despite
>> the fact, that I had disabled it. But I also had kdm only enabled for 
>> runlevel
>> 5, systemd recognized that correctly and did not started it in different
>> runlevels. Somehow the detection that ssh was totally disabled failed (or it
>> was not even tried to detect that). The same holds for the bluetooth service,
>> which I also disabled but which got started by systemd nevertheless.
> This sounds like a bug in the SSH packaging, so reassigning to
> openssh-server.
> Colin, feel free to poke us if there's anything we can help with.  (Or
> reassign back if you feel this is a bug in systemd/dh_systemd.)

Actually, I discussed that with Michael Stapelberg when we worked on the
dh-systemd helper. The problem is, update-rc.d doesn't provide any API
to query if a SysV init script is enabled or not. We filed a bug for
that a while ago without any feedback so far from the sysvinit
maintainers [0].
So, when adding a native service file, it's not really possible to
mirror the enabled state in a way which works universally and I don't
think there is anything we can do in the dh_systemd helper regarding
that. I'm also not sure if it is fixable manually.
If you add the code into postinst before the #DEBHELPER# stanza, the
service is not setup yet. If you add it after the #DEBHELPER# stanza,
the service has already been started.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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