Package: installation-reports Boot method: CD Image version: testing netinstall Date: 09/03/2014, around 11 am
Machine: custom build, gigabyte Z87X-DH3-CF Processor: intel core i7 4770k (not overclocked) Memory: kingston 2*8gb black edition 1600mhz Partitions: /dev/sde1 EFI, /dev/sde1 /, /dev/sde2 /home, /dev/sde3 swap Résultat de lspci -knn (ou lspci -nn) : not on a linux machine Installation du système de base : [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot: [O] Detect network card: [O] Configure network: [O] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Install base system: [O] Clock/timezone setup: [O] User/password setup: [O] Install tasks: [O] Install boot loader: [E] Overall install: [E] Comments/Problems: After a long use of Arch, i decided to get rid of it and install debian. Because of my recent hardware, the stable netinstall was not able to detect my ethernet card, apparently because of the aging kernel. I downloaded this ISO and burned it and installled it and it worked perfectly. I then decided to try to reinstall with the / next to windows on my SSD, and for some reson the install failed but i thought it was because the root partition does not like being on a different drive than the EFI partition. I then tried to reinstall exactly like the first time, but after installing the programs and before installing the bootloader, the install got stuck on a big blue ncurses screen, where i can only press enter which moves the grey "banner" at the bottom. So i thought it was my CD that got scratched so i checked it, but it seemed fine, so I redownloaded the daily iso but had the bug 740673 <> I now waiting for tomorrow's weekly iso to try again, but thought this was a very odd problem, as i managed to install Fedora this afternoon without any issues. Thank you