Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

  Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "eggdrop"

 * Package name    : eggdrop
   Version         : 1.6.21-1
   Upstream Author : EggHeads Development Team <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : GPL-2+
   Section         : net

  It builds those binary packages:

  eggdrop    - Advanced IRC Robot
  eggdrop-data - Architecture independent files for eggdrop

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
  following URL:

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this

    dget -x

  Changes since the last upload:

  * New upstream release:
    - debian/patches/00conf_paths.patch: updated
    - debian/patches/gcc-format-string-warnings: updated
    - debian/patches/01tcl8.5.10.patch: fixed upstream
    - debian/eggdrop.install: don't use hardcoded version anymore
    - Closes: #650718

  * debian/compat: update to level 9

  * debian/control:
    - set maintainer to Cédric Barboiron
    - use latest Standards-Version
    - add debhelper>9 and autotools-dev dependencies
    - remove cdbs dependency

  * debian/rules:
    - switch to debhelper 9 format
    - Closes: #724986 as a side effect

  * debian/copyright: use copyright-format 1.0

  * debian/watch: version 3, plus check pgp signature

  * debian/patches/01use_ldflags.patch: propagate LDFLAGS for eggdrop
    and modules (Closes: #668091)

  * debian/patches/02language_dir.patch: set default language directory
    (Closes: #661572)

Cédric Barboiron

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