On 01/04/2014 07:07 PM, Ben Finney wrote:

> The binary ‘closure-compiler’ package would install:
> * the ‘/usr/bin/closure-compiler’ command (perhaps a symlink, as now)
> * the manpage (not yet written?)
> * the ‘README’ file (or some subset the describes running the compiler from
>   the command line)
> * maybe others
> My main point in responding to your message is: the binary
> ‘closure-compiler’ package will not be empty. It will need to install files
> distinct from the ‘libclosure-compiler-java’ package.

Hi Ben,

There isn't currently a manpage - the documentation I've seen regarding
using it refers to invoking it as a jar file (see [0], and more
generally [1]).  Given that all of the upstream documentation is focused
on invoking it as a jar file, I think we're on our here, at least at the

I agree that the package should have a manpage if we're going to
continue to provide the /usr/bin/ symlink.  Daniel added this in the -3
upload.  If you or Daniel can contribute a manpage, that would be great.

Currently, that manpage would be the only file in the binary package, as
/usr/bin/closure-compiler will remain a symlink to the executable jar,
so it's still going to be a very small package.


[0] https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/docs/gettingstarted_app
[1] https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/

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