* Giulio Paci <giuliop...@gmail.com>, 2013-04-07, 23:00:
"python-dev (>= 2.6.6-9)" - why this version?
I took it from here:

Well, this is weird. I have no idea what was the rationale for such version. It was bumped (from ">= 2.3.5-7") in python-defaults 2.7.3~rc2-1, but changelog for this version doesn't document this modification. 2.6.6-9's changelog mentions only a dh_python2 bugfix that should affect only minority of packages.

Anyway, I'd rather make the build-dependency unversioned, to make squeeze backporters' life easier.

And now for something completely different... Typos:

analogious -> analogous
assumtion -> assumption
cetrainty -> certainty
Constuctor -> Constructor
correcly -> correctly
correctnes -> correctness
decendent -> descendant (?)
discout -> discount (?)
expresion -> expression
Franlin -> Franklin
fullfil -> fulfil
hiearchy -> hierarchy
immediatelly -> immediately
Implementaion -> Implementation
imporatant -> important
ingored -> ignored
ingoring -> ignoring
inhert -> inherit
micture -> mixture
modfied -> modified
necesseary -> necessary
occured -> occurred
paramters -> parameters
precoditions -> preconditions
preferrable -> preferable
publically -> publicly
realtive -> relative
Recipies -> Recipes
releationship -> relationship
smooting -> smoothing
substitue -> substitute
verion -> version

Estimation.cc has this twice:
#if 1 // DEBUG
Shouldn't that be "#if 0 ..."?

Using "except" without specifying exception type is bad idea:

gOpenIn and gOpenOut functions pass filenames to shell unescaped. They probably should just use the gzip module.

FileWriter, FileReader and StoredCounts classes have the same problem. (Although these three are not used in Debian binary packages AFAICS.)

Jakub Wilk

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