
I'm writing with my Debian developer hat, to you with your KeePassX
upstream authors hat.

It has been pointed to us in Debian bug #698832 [1] that at least some
icon files shipped with KeePassX 0.4.3 apparently come from the Oxygen
and Nuvola icon themes. Some more information according to Robert

  "Some of them are from Nuvola (at least down.png (originally named
  go-down.png) and newentry.png (originally named
  document-import-key.png)). Some of them are from Oxygen (at least
  go-previous.png and go-next.png) [...].

  The bookmark-* icons look familiar to me, but were not copied from
  Nuvola, Oxygen, or Crystal."

On my side, I was not able to find exit.png and text_left.png in
Oxygen either.

Robert also questioned the license and copyright of clientic.png.
It looks to me like it might contain smaller versions of at least
a few Oxygen icons, and perhaps material from other sources, like the
Wikipedia icon. A clarification would be much welcome :)

Do you confirm that all the included icons are either from Oxygen or
Nuvola (the full list of each of these would be perfect, by the way)
or original pixel work licensed and copyrighted the same way as the
KeePassX program, or should one look closer?

Thanks a lot for your work on KeePassX!

  [1] http://bugs.debian.org/698832 (please ignore the possibly
      mistaken part about preferred form of modification for now)

Warm regards,
  | GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
  | OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc

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