On Thu, 15 Nov 2012 23:20:29 +0100 Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> This would be interesting,

I don't know whether listing bugs assigned to source packages (as
requested by the original bug report submitter, see message #5) would
be really useful.

I think that making version tracking info checks work correctly is much
more important (see message #24).

> but when this is implemented, FTBFS bugs
> should be filtered out, IMHO. I don't know whether this can be done
> properly, other than inspecting the bug title.

This is already implemented with the AptListbugs::IgnoreRegexp Apt
option (see the apt-listbugs(1) man page and
the /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs configuration file): you just
have to enable it.
It tests the bug title against a user-defined regular expression, so
it's necessarily imperfect, but I cannot think of any other way to
achieve this result...

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