Andrej N. Gritsenko, > The most awful bug was never reported to Debian BTS: pcmanfm which is in > Wheezy currently can eat 8GB of memory in mere hour or few. In some unhappy > conditions of course. Usual memory leak wasn't such big, only few tens of MB > per hour. ;)
Quite funny ;) > There is an agreement with Daniel Baumann that 1.1.1 will be uploaded into > Debian experimental repository as soon as it's released. Sounds OK. > AFAIK, the "unstable" repository is locked now due to freeze, isn't it? AFAIK, you're wrong; testing (wheezy) is in freeze, but unstable (sid) is not; individual packages can even be unfrozen and migrated from unstable to testing by reporting a package "unblock" bug against the "" pseudo-package: of course, it needs to be persuasive to get reviewed & approved by a Debian release team member :)