On 13.11.2012 02:02, Michael Biebl wrote:

> So in summary: Atm, I only see bootlogs which could be masked,
> mountoverflowtmp possibly.
> As for native implementations from initscripts there are possibly motd
> and rc.local. But as long as initscripts is essential, there is no real
> benefit converting them to native unit files.
> Is that a complete summary, or did I miss anything?

Looking through the existing blacklist, it seems we can drop
hwclock-first, since that sysv initscript was removed from util-linux.

We should probably do that post-wheezy, though.

While at it, the  module-init-tools.service ->
systemd-modules-load.service symlink is also no longer really required
post-wheezy. It has been replaced by kmod.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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