> > If you get corruption when you disable locking, there must still be some > access from one client while the other one is using the file.
Now i have this and the problem is worse: When the connection is closed, when the process with the PID ends at server, the file is removed!!! The system locks the file, if I wait some time, the locked file is simple removed fro server! oplocks = False level2 oplocks = False locking = no strict locking = no blocking locks = no Could you describe the exact steps needed to reproduce the problem when > locking is enabled? What application are you using? How long after the > first > client closes the file did you try to access it on the second client? Does > it > work if the first client disconnects? Or if the first client machine is > shut > down? I'm not certainly about how happens... the frequency is with .PSD photoshop files, but can occurs with other files sporadically, but it's difficult predict. While using Adobe Photoshop, if at least 2 people opens the same file, the file still locked, and remains inacessible and, now, is removed after the first time the locked message occurs. At Adobe Photoshop, I see the message I have no permission to access the file. After this, when the file is removed after the process ends at server, It's possible save again. If I forget save the file, it's lost. I think this happens more frequently as larger are the files. I don't know how to measure the time, but I'm certainly if the second opens when the first is opened (and this can be seconds of difference), the bug happens. But happened in times I don't understood yet. If the first client disconnects, the file still locked forever. To don't lost the file, I can copy at server with another name, for example... The same happens if the first machine is shut down... What is the output of smbclient when the problem occurs? (please check to > see > that this output does not contain sensitive information before sending it > to > the bug report) I've tryed smbstatus and do not saw nothing different.... The fact that you can get access when you disable locking indicates that you > don't have a permission issue, but a locking issue. This problem is probably not a debian specific issue. I suspect it is a > configuration issue. It might be better to try via the samba mailing list > or > IRC channel: I will try both. But, anyway, I think this is a critical problem, files are removed or corrupted... And I don't know how proceed with this anymore... Saulo