OoO  En cette  matinée ensoleillée  du jeudi  24 mai  2012,  vers 09:42,
Michel Meyers <> disait :

>> I have  installed it in a  debootstrapped environment, I  got no
>> debconf question and I got en_US by default:
>> root@neo:/# debconf-show roundcube-core | grep lang 
>> roundcube/language: en_US
>> (It is a Squeeze debootstrap).

> How odd. Mine's squeeze (6.0.5) too.

> While reading up on how to change the language default, most
> documentation refers to dpkg-reconfigure locales but on my system,
> locales wasn't even installed. Maybe that's the source of the problem?

This  should  not  be  related   to  locales.  There  is  absolutely  no
autodetection. The  default is set  to en_US unless  something overrides
this in debconf (eventually through user selection).

I suppose that there is some  debconf frontend that will always take the
first choice.
Vincent Bernat ☯

Let the machine do the dirty work.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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