OoO Vers  la fin de  l'après-midi du mercredi  23 mai 2012,  vers 16:19,
Michel Meyers <> disait :

>>> From: $rcmail_config['language'] = 'ar_SA' To: 
>>> $rcmail_config['language'] = NULL;
>> The default is en_US. I think you get ar_SA because you set this
>> through debconf. What do you get with: debconf-show roundcube-core
>> | grep lang ?

> # debconf-show roundcube-core | grep lang
>   roundcube/language: ar_SA

> I never set this anywhere though. This box was installed via
> debootstrap so maybe the root cause stems from there?

I have  installed it in a  debootstrapped environment, I  got no debconf
question and I got en_US by default:

root@neo:/# debconf-show roundcube-core | grep lang
  roundcube/language: en_US

(It is a Squeeze debootstrap).
Vincent Bernat ☯

Test input for validity and plausibility.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)

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