On Friday 04 February 2005 12:13, Peter Vandenabeele wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 31, 2005 at 06:32:27PM +0100, Peter Vandenabeele wrote:
> > Anyway, since I did not want exim to be removed,  I pressed 'n' (I am
> > quite sure I did press 'n', since I was unhappy that the system would
> > remove my already configured exim) but still the system continued with
> > downloading, installing and removing the packages as it had announced
> > ... (or maybe I am just loosing it ... but I am really sure I pressed
> > 'n' since I was a little upset that tasksel would *remove* a package).
> Today, I executed a Sarge install on a different system, with US English
> as locale.
> Again, I ran tasksel after finishing the base install, pressed 'n' and
> the tasksel happily continued the installation (so it's not me getting
> too old to touch computers :-)
> I heard no reaction on my previous post about this bug. Should I file
> this bug against tasksel ?

I'm not sure where the keys to be pressed are translated but it can't find 
them in the tasksel translation.
Cheers, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis)
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