On Sun, Feb 06, 2005 at 09:02:19PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Saturday 05 February 2005 15:05, Peter Vandenabeele wrote:
> > * then in text mode, I saw messages similar to those above
> > * and I got the question "Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]"
> I have tried to reproduce this using both RC2 netinst and daily (20050205) 
> netinst CDs (medium priority).
> Whatever combination of tasks I select, I never get asked this question: 
> installation just proceeds:
> - the info on packages to be installed/upgraded is shown (none deleted,
>   some held back)
> - no question is asked
> - the download of the first package starts

Saturday 5 Feb 2005, after running apt-get upgrade on another sarge PC
I also tried tasksel and even when I ask tasksel to 
install/remove/install/remove the "Fileserver" packages (that is samba, nfs, 
apple), aptitude never asked for any confirmation before installing or 
removing packages, which I find strange ...

So, I also was unable to reproduce that problem on another computer.

> The situation that may trigger the question could be if a package were to 
> be deleted, but as I said I can't reproduce that.
> Peter: if you can, we will need extremely exact information on:
> - what architecture you use
> - what installation method you use, exact version of the installer
> - priority of the installation
> - what you select as sources for apt in second stage
> - what tasks (and/or manual selection) you select in tasksel
> A copy of the base-config log would be useful as well.

I will try to provide that on Wednesday 7 Feb (from the Dutch-language

I plan to continue to use the exact original CD image (iso 1) that I 
downloaded on 22 Jan 2004 from the official site, or rather should
I download a new CD image ?

Maybe this afternoon, I will be able to give more info from another
install I plan to execute from this CD.

Thanks for your time,


> Cheers,

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