You have some networking troubles.

You can try to manually configure the network by ifconfig / route add
default / resolf.conf or edit /etc/network/interfaces to set a static
address and default route.
The process is like on any other debian-like.

Then you have to update the whole system.
It seems you are suffering of some bugs in the kernel or basic userland.


2016-11-28 19:12 GMT+01:00 Herbert Fortes <>:

> Hi Gianluca Bonetti,
> > Hello Herbert
> >
> > You have to modify /etc/apt/sources.list to point to the current
> repositories.
> >
> > deb jessie-kfreebsd main
> > deb jessie-kfreebsd/updates main
> > deb-src jessie-kfreebsd main
> > deb-src jessie-kfreebsd/updates main
> >
> I did that. Thanks!
> But the problem is: apt can not resolve the address. Using
> a browser I can not access
> I only have an ip address after the boot. If I do 'ifdown' 'ifup'
> I do not get an ip from dhcp. And the internet connection can be
> used for less then 5 minutes.
> Regards,
> Herbert

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