Robert Millan <> writes:
> 2013/7/17 Christoph Egger <>:
>> and
>> having 9.1 would allow us to get some things started (like Intel KMS
>> drivers) that dfepend on a kernel > 9.0.
> Are you sure? I think the real work is in HEAD only, where the new DRM
> ABI is implemented (drm2 and i915kms).

I booted the 9.1 kernel from experimental a few days ago and after
linking the drm2.ko to drmn.ko (yes it's needed!) I got the "normal"
screen resolution just the same as with kfreebsd-10 I've been running
since last summer. (Still assuming the patches I have locally applied to
drivers and stuff -- most of which should hang somewhere in the bts)


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