Den 26 Jun 2001 16:49:46 +0200 skrev Andreas Krennmair:
> This is a vote what system that we should take as basis for our project.
> 1) Which kernel?
>   a) OpenBSD kernel
>   b) NetBSD kernel
>   c) FreeBSD kernel
>   d) Darwin kernel
I think NetBSD would be a good start.
But why limit to NetBSD?

> 2) What userland
>   a) only the userland that came with the chosen kernel
>   b) "native" userland + some GNU utilities
>   c) mostly GNU utilities + some very system dependent userland
>      utilities.
b or maybe c
The goal would be to make the system be both *BSD compatible and
debian compatible.
I think that for example find should be find from GNU findutils since
it's superior to the bsd version.
> Vote, comment, give feedback (please).
> Regards,
> Andreas Krennmair
> -- 
> /* let's suicide: */ 
> kill(getpid(),SIGKILL);
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