Disclaimer: I am not a Debian contributor in any way, merely a
loyal user. 

On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 04:49:46PM +0200, Andreas Krennmair wrote:
> This is a vote what system that we should take as basis for our project.
> 1) Which kernel?
>   a) OpenBSD kernel
>   b) NetBSD kernel
>   c) FreeBSD kernel
>   d) Darwin kernel

B. This would make Debian much more portable. I have an SGI O2 and the
Linux port for it isn't very advanced, while NetBSD have a working port
in current. If I could install Debian GNU/NetBSD on it I would be very

My second choice is C, because I am also interested in the BSD kernel, 
and FreeBSD is the best there is for a lot of hardware.

I don't see much point in an OpenBSD which isn't "secure by default".

Darwin might be interesting for PPC owners, which I am not currently.
It is useless for i386 owners because the i386 Darwin port is new and
unused. Just go for FreeBSD if that's what you want.
Question: how well would a PPC Debian GNU/Darwin allow interoperability
with MacOS X? That COULD be interesting...

> 2) What userland
>   a) only the userland that came with the chosen kernel
>   b) "native" userland + some GNU utilities
>   c) mostly GNU utilities + some very system dependent userland
>      utilities.

Definetely C. I want a Debian system, with its excellent Debian 
system management and GNU userland. I feel discussion about A and B
really belong in BSD groups, because they know their system best
and can port the GNU utilities and the Debian system management tools
if they want to. Debian knows best about Debian and should IMHO stick 
to that.

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