I just don't see what we add to the BSD world if all we are is another port of BSD. Free/Net/OpenBSD already provide the BSD kernel, BSD C runtime library, and BSD utilities.
I think the only thing that makes sense for a Debian project would be a BSD kernel using the GNU C library and the GNU tools. Furthermore, I would not recommend the OpenBSD kernel since it lacks the ability to run in SMP. A Debian/Bsd would need to be just like Debian/Linux and Debian/Hurd, a user moving from one to the other should find the same types of tools and utilities available, go to the same places to configure things, and administer and secure the system in a similar fashion. Anything else does not provide much value to the BSD community at large. > (I think I may write an opinion piece article about this for > BSD Today; it should result in a lot of feedback. This article > will briefly tell BSD users what Debian is and means; and it > will tell Debian users what BSD is. Plus I'll share the questions > and the situations that are being discussed to figure out which > angle to go with. Feel free to email me privately or on-list if > you have any thoughts or points that you believe I should > publish in the article; please let me know if I can attribute your > thoughts/ideas to your name.) > Your article sounds like an excellent idea. -Brent