On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 10:21:28AM -0800, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> Another poll question:
> What general utilities/tools (such as ls, netstat, who) should we use?
>    (_) GNU
>    (_) BSD

Ok, good idea.

> I'd vote for BSD. I only see Debian/BSD as a regular BSD that uses Debian
> package system (dpkg, apt) for contributed software.

In that case we shouldn't name it Debian/BSD but a "port of dpkg and apt to
the *BSD".
I think our target is to create a full Debian distribution, but based on a 
different kernel.
As for the general utilities, we can use just the same ones as Debian/Linux does
(unification, again) and provide BSD ones as a separate package (just like BSDs
does with GNU).

> (Speaking as a Debian user/administrator of a few years:) If Debian/BSD is
> Debian then I believe it should be usable by a Debian user, i.e. a user
> should be able to do things like:
>   /etc/init.d/exim reload

That's right!

> (I think I may write an opinion piece article about this for BSD Today; it
> should result in a lot of feedback. This article will briefly tell BSD

Great idea -- but I think I should first create a poll and some page with
the quick summary of the current ideas, so we can give the link to them
in the article.

> In my opinion, I can't see how this project can really be Debian/BSD. When
> it's done, it won't really be Debian; and when it's done it won't be BSD.

The key point is to create another Debian -- and it should be Debian, after all 

Regards, Wartan.
Sorry my English -- I am not a native speaker.

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