On Tuesday 13 May 2008, David Härdeman wrote:
> The attached path allows setting up a crypto device with a keyfile
> stored on another partition (mainly useful when that partition is on a
> usbkey).

Sounds like it would be nice to support.

> In the "setup encrypted volumes" stage of partman, the user will be
> given a list of partitions known to partman and after selecting one, a

It should probably also support plugging in a USB key on demand to be really

> path must be entered. If that file already exists on the device, it will
> be used as the keyfile, otherwise a new keyfile will be created.
> My d-i knowledge is rusty so a review of the patch would be much
> appreciated. (I've also been out of the loop wrt. d-i development,
> deadlines for the next release, etc...so I have no idea how suitable
> this patch is right now in the bigger picture)

I've done a very quick and basic look through the patch; comments below. I'm
afraid I won't have an opportunity for anything more that that in the near


General: could you please start using the preferred method for case
statements (4 space indent for tests; single tab indent for code)?
(See also the coding style doc under installer/doc/devel/.)

case $a in

Index: lib/crypto-base.sh

-                       if [ $keytype = keyfile ] || [ $keytype = passphrase ]; 
+                       if [ $keytype = keyfile      ] || \
+                          [ $keytype = passphrase   ] || \
+                          [ $keytype = removabledev ]; then

Please don't pad spaces: every space does cost memory.

Index: blockdev-keygen

+               while [ ! "$source_id" ]; do

We generally use '[ -z "$source_id" ]' to test for unset/empty.

+               mountpoint="/tmp/blockdev-keygen-tmpmount"
+               if [ ! -e "/tmp/blockdev-keygen-tmpmount" ]; then
+                       mkdir "$mountpoint" || return 1
+               fi

Should probably just use 'mkdir -p'.

+               if ! log-output -t blockdev-keygen \
+                    mount "$device" "$mountpoint" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+                       return 1
+               fi

Please use log-output for things like this as it at least gives us a
clue what goes wrong if there are errors. Same for unmounts.

+               target="${mountpoint}/${path}"

Use of {} is unnecessary here.

+                       # Check that the keyfile is suitable
+                       filesize="$(ls -l1 "$target" | sed s'/[[:space:]]\+/ 
/g' | cut -d' ' -f3)"
+                       if [ "$filesize" -lt "$keybytes" ]; then

Is it somehow OK if filesize is larger?

+               cp "$target" "$keyfile"
+               echo "$device" > "$(dirname "$keyfile")/keydev"
+               echo "$path" > "$(dirname "$keyfile")/keypath"
+               echo "plain" > "$(dirname "$keyfile")/keyhash"

This could probably use a comment as I haven't got a clue what's happening
here. Especially The relationship between $keyfile and ! $path/$target is
very hard to work out.

+               keybytes=$(( (keybits + 7)/8 ))

Probably a bit more readable as:
                keybytes=$(( (keybits + 7) / 8 ))

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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