On Wednesday 31 October 2007, Geert Stappers wrote:
> In the Commodore 64 days, I had the game "Fort Apocalypse".

/me had the same game :-)

> Please design with an user (so not a newbie) in mind.
> For those who are worried about "elite" and such:
> Really "elite-ish" is to assume that the person who installs Debian
> is a newbie.

I think I do keep all types of users in mind and IMO they can all deal with 
one extra targeted question.
However, when thinking about doing installations, keeping in mind people who 
have never seen the installer before just a bit more than people who are 
installing Debian for the 20th time _does_ IMO make sense. And that is what 
I had in mind when I used the term newbie (as in "new to Debian").

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