Jérémy Bobbio wrote:


Future of g-i

Attilio has less time than he used to for taking care of the graphical
installer.  Daily maintainance will be done by Lunar once his branch is
ready to be merged, with Attilio helping out.  This will also give
Attilio more time to fix remaining issues in the dependencies of g-i (e.g directfb).

Lunar will first remove new features from his branch to get a
side-by-side functionally equilavent implementation. Once ready, we will switch over to the new codebase at once.

Actually, it's true i have less time to dedicate to GTK frontend development, so i'm glad Lunar took it over to add new features like vte terminal, plugins for partitioner and locale choseer etc.. I'll keep on working on the infrastructural side of g-i project taking care to maintain in good shape those packages the g-i depends upon (of course, as soon as i have time, i'll try to understand the new codebase once it has settled.) Specifically, now that i have svn access to Gnome repo i can take care of upstream maintainance of gtk's dfb backend, which was cause of much pain during last years. This means that gtkdfb bugs found affecting the g-i will be quickly fixed upstream, freeing Loic, our gtk/dfb maintainer, from the burden of applying debian-specific patches.

ATM, one of the gratest architectural challenges i see in g-i's future is switching to DirectFB 1.0 (#416911), which also implies rebuilding cairo/dfb and gtk/dfb against new DFB libraries. As otavio pointed out, we need to do this early in release cycle in order to be able to spot and fix possible issues and regressions. I tried to mail Guillem a couple of times recently, but received no answer yet.

Eventually, there should be no problem in having the GTK frontend becoming default for i386 and amd64, viceversa, g-i on PPC is still affected by some issues, among others the crashing of DirectFB on NVidia-equipped boxes. It would be great if some debian-powerpc people could be involved in the g-i project.

The remaining technical details will be sorted out on the

About the BOOLEAN handler, i'm for the Radio option as in current GTK frontend buttons are reserver to Continue/Back/Screenshot button.

About the Screenshot button issue, i'm for keeping it in d-i, posssibly moving it to the left-bottom corner of the screen and replacing the "Screenshot" label with a camera icon



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