> -  rxvt-ml
> +  rxvt-beta

In fact, rxvt-beta is a very stable release of rxvt project, not beta.
It has much better i18n support then rxvt-ml, and can select default
encoding through runtime arguments or Xresources.

> +  mlterm-tools

Through mlterm-tools, users may change encodings on the fly.
It is very useful for Chinese users.

> -  m17n-env
> +  im-switch

Etch's and Sid's m17n-env is somewhat obsolete now.
It is recommended to use im-switch instead, to configure input method.

For newbies, im-switch is very convenient to enable input methods

> +  xfonts-wqy

It is a bitmap font especially designed for Chinese.
Bitmap font is very important for Chinese users to have a clear and
easy-to-read GUI interface.

> -  xcin
> +  gcin

Xcin is an old and obsolete XIM server.
Its upstream author has stopped working for several years.
It has poor UTF-8 support, and does not support im-switch.
It depends on X core font, and does not support freetype / xft / fontconfig.

Gcin is a mature and actively maintained input method server.
It supports GTK and QT immodules, XIM, UTF-8, and im-switch very well.
It is the most popular input method server among traditional Chinese users.

> -  pydict
> +  stardict

Pydict's upstream author no longer maintains it.
Stardict is the most popular dictionary application among Chinese users.

> -  kde-i18n-zhtw

Active KDE users in Taiwan are few.
This package depends on kdelibs4c2a, which will occupy much hard disk space.

> -  ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp
> +  ttf-arphic-uming

Ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp is a subset of ttf-arphic-uming.
Most Chinese users use ttf-arphic-uming much more than ttf-arphic-bsmi00lp.

> -  firefox-locale-zh-tw

It is obsolete.

> +  paps

It is a printing support package based on pango, which supports Chinese
quite well.

Wen-Yen Chuang (caleb)

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