On 3/7/06, Davide Viti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tonight I've run some tests using dejavu fonts as discussed during the 
> meeting.
> I created an iso [1] using an unstripped version of dejavu and without 
> freefont;
> in the same directory ([2]) you can find a screenshot for each language.
> It turns out that dejavu does not contain Vietnames and Hebrew glyphs, 
> meaning that
> we can't use it to completely substitute freefont. The latest version of 
> freefont include
> all the Vietnamese glyphs listed below and the Hebrew glyphs.

I was suspecting this (it says so on the dejavu home page;-), but I am
glad you did the tests so we can have a clear picture.

> Once freefont will be ok, we can decide which font should display which 
> language:
> freefont will probably be used for vietnamese, hebrew, hindi, punjabi, 
> bengali.
> Comments are welcome.


> PS: Eddy, if there was not the nasty freefont bug I would never have done 
> this test with dejavu :))
> have to admit I like the way they look like

I know and I am glad you like them.

> [1] 
> http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/gtk-frontend/screenshots/20060307_dejavu/mini.iso
> [2] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/gtk-frontend/screenshots/20060307_dejavu/

Latin based scripts should all look better.

BTW, what is the size difference? Is dejavu+freefont(for
Hebrew,Vietnamese and others) > freefont(for all)?

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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