On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 04:12:57PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:


Thanks for explanation.

> > > > Any hints? Suggestions? Is it possible that d-i uses fonts which don't
> > > > include capital letters in foreign languages?
> > > > Does any other language has similar problems?
> > > It's possible, but that doesn't really explain why the right letter
> > > would appear without the accent.  That would specifically require a
> > > buggy font that has the glyph for Z where it should have Ż.
> > I hope that Kęstutis solution will fix the problem.
> > debian-installer/installer/build/needed-characters/README seems to be very
> > related to my problem.
> It isn't.  If this were a problem of missing characters, then "Ż" would
> become "", not "Z".
> I've just checked unifont.bdf, though, and it does include an accent for
> character U+017B.
> Is it possible this was a bug in the translation that was later fixed?

I don't think so. My friend tried netinst iso from 18 August.
These translations AFAIR weren't changed for ~ month.

But unfortunatelly I'm not 100% sure.
This can be checked in svn repo if it will be online again.
> > I tried to commit pl file, but seems that there is something wrong with
> > svn.debian.org. I can't authenticate myself :/
> > There was probably some announce about it, but I'm quite busy right now,
> > and don't follow each discussion/mailing list.
> alioth was having directory service issues which have just been
> resolved.  If you're still having problems, we'll have to ask the alioth
> admins to look into it.

Seems that alioth is down again.


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