On ÎÏÎ 17 ÎÏÎ 2004 06:47, Kenshi Muto wrote:
> Hi,

Hi Kenshi,

> That's interesting. Good job, Konstantinos.

Thanks though the great work was already done by the Skolelinux 
guys :-)

> I tested this in Japanese.
> 1. update-locale-config uses "ja_JP", but Japanese locale has
> always encoding name also. "ja_JP.eucJP" (this is default locale
> for Japanese, and d-i creates this) or "ja_JP.UTF-8" (UTF-8,
> optional). 

Ok, I will change this immediately (you might be interested to know 
that I have just uploaded the package into debian-edu CVS).

> 2. xfree86-kbd gets kbdmap from language. But I think it 
> would be taken from d-i value or console-data. When I use US pc104
> keyboard with Japanese locale, mismatch occurs.

I'm thinking of reading the values from console-data, it should not be 
very difficult, but there are some differences, for example in order 
for Greek keymap switching to work correctly in X 4.3.x, I have to 

Option          "XkbLayout"     "us,el"
Option          "XkbOptions"    "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

(the XkbModel is not so important, the default pc104 will do).

> 3. xfree86-kbd sets only XkbLayout.
>    But at least Japanese keyboard needs to set XkbModel. Typical
>    Japanese keyboard setting is following:
>         Option          "XkbRules"      "xfree86"
>         Option          "XkbModel"      "jp106"
>         Option          "XkbLayout"     "jp"

>    (debconf parameter is
> xserver-xfree86/config/inputdevice/keyboard/model.) 

Ok, I did a modification to the script to allow setting of XkbModel as 
well. It seemed to work fine with Japanese encoding. At least it did 
set the debconf variables, it's in CVS now.

> 4. When I run 
> "update-locale-config ja_JP", it includes:
>    Running /usr/lib/localization-config//ltsp-xfree86-kbd ja_JP
>    Running /usr/lib/localization-config//opera ja_JP
>    Is this right result?

Well, perhaps I should change the command line options. To run the 
pre-install scripts (which do the preseeding of XFree86 and 
dictionaies-common, which is basically the most important aspect of 
the package) you should use -p as an option. The default (no options) 
calls the post-install scripts. Of course this was just a choice I 
made without much thought, if you feel that I should choose something 
wiser (I am no perl expert and don't know/have the time to learn how 
to use long command line options, say --pre and --post).


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