Package: installation-reports Debian-installer-version: Test Candidate 1, downloaded 10 June 2004 uname -a: N/A Date: 10 June 2004 8pm Method: Installed from bootable CD made from iso
Machine: Old custom-built system Processor: Cyrix 6x86 200+ Memory: 64 Mb Root Device: Maxtor SATA 200Gb HD Root Size/partition table: N/A Output of lspci: N/A Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot worked: [O] Configure network HW: [O] Config network: [O] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O] Detect hard drives: [E] Partition hard drives: [E] Create file systems: [ ] Mount partitions: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Reboot: [ ] [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Comments/Problems: Installer could not detect the SATA hard drive that was connected through a Promise SATA150 TX4 PCI interface card (non-RAID). At the partitioning step, no hard drives were available. Still working on a way to get Debian to see my drive... Promise provides driver source code but my old drive crashed and the MB doesn't support new, high-capacity drives. Is it possible to have that driver on the install CD?