Hello Christian,
On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 07:59:25PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Dennis, you should definitely recruit Helge in the german translator
> team, as (s)he seems to have very careful proofreading..:-)

He. Helga is the female, and Helge is the male form. And proofreading
is *much* easier than actual translation.

> Quoting Helge Kreutzmann ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > * The sorting of the countries appears to be done according to the
> >   english names, which is confusing if I read the german ones, e.g.
> > 
> >   Armenien, Österreich, Aserbaidschan, Weißrussland, Belgien, ...
> This is a very difficult thing to achieve, but a patch is on its
> way...


> Let's ring Seppy...

If I can forward all things found in d-i directly to seppy in the
future, that would be great.

> > [timezone-conf] »Europe/Berlin« --> »Europa/Berlin« (Translation
> >   Europe)
> Impossible to do. The timezone names are currently not translatable and
> making them translatable would be highly risky....

For geman this is ok, as the english names are quite close to the
german one. For chinese, however, I don't know. 

> >   ->Should mention maximum length of user name (8 characters)
> I'm not sure this is really limited.

No? I always though user names where limited to 8 characters. I'll try
later on my private machine ...

> > [exim4] *Many* errors in the german translation (I stopped noting down
> >   after 11 errors)

Actually the maintainer provided me with the current template which is
much improved, though still several issues are present. I corrected
them and will later ask on the german language list someone else to
proof read (and discuss some problematic issues).

Thanks for taking care


Helge Kreutzmann, Dipl.-Phys.               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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