On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 21:06, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Sunday 18 April 2004 20:16, Wolfgang Silbermayr wrote:
> > I already asked in the #debian-boot channel on irc.freenode.net, but
> > nobody answered, so I am trying here again. I saw that the Sarge
> > Installation Manual is not yet available in german, so I checked out the
> > installer from the svn repository, and there it is also not available.
> > If there is nobody working on it yet, I could at least translate some
> > parts (depending on how much spare time i can get). Can anybody tell me
> > where to start and where i can send the files?
> Hello Wolfgang,
> I am working on a Dutch translation of the manual and had the same questions 
> when I started a while back.
> The coordinator for the manual is Miroslav Kure. You can find his email 
> address in the archives for this list.
okay, I will contact him

> It would be good to first announce your intention on 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] and to see if people there would be 
> willing to review your translations.


> You can find the best place to start translating by taking a look at the 
> second paragraph on http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/.


> If you like, I can create a 'de' subdirectory containing the current English 
> documents (and add an 'install.de.xml' document in the build directory); you 
> can then replace these one doc at a time with German translations. You will 

would be great if you could do that

> have be alert for changes in the original English documents to keep the 
> German translation in sync with the English version (this is fairly easy with 
> SVN).

i will do so.

thanks for your help by now


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