Saku Seppälä wrote:
> First the in the manual partitioning section of the installer
> "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" is translated
> "Keskeytä osioiden teko (älä tallenna muutoksia)"
> which means "Interrupt partitioning (don't save changes)" .
> It should be translated as
> "Lopeta osioiden muokkaus ja tallenna muutokset".

I think that this is already fixed, the current translation is
"Lopeta osioiden teko ja talleta muutokset levylle"

> Secondly the configuration of apt does not work.
> The reason is that the name of the entry in the installation menu is
> "Tee apt:n asetukset". Because in the menu-mapping file the display text
> and the corresponding configuration script file are separated with
> ":", the script file name does not get recognized correctly.

Thank you for tracking this down. This will be fixed by making the next
version of base-config more robust.

see shy jo

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