Miroslav Kure wrote:
> I'm currently trying to update Sarge install manual to reflect the
> reality. Of course, I've read INSTALLATION-HOWTO, but that reflects
> current state, not intended state. So, could somebody kindly help me
> with the following?
> 1. Will we have boot images for 1.2 inch floppies on i386?
You mean 5 1/2 inch floppies? Unlikely. It is doable, but it's a matter
of someone wanting to do it.

> 2. Will we have base system on a set of floppies? Yikes.


> 3. Will we have base system in a tarball?


> 4. Will we have support for install on NFS (diskless install)?
>    (Recent discussion indicated it should be doable.)

If someone does it.

see shy jo

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