
I found why netboot images were crashing with "bus error". It comes
from a wrong unifont.bgf generated by bdftobogl. Bugreport filed
against libbogl-dev. debian-boot was added to x-debbugs-cc, but it seems
that didn't work. 
bug #232720

And I also found why name resolution was not working.
Someone should add EXTRALIBS line in sparc/cdrom.cfg and
sparc/netboot.cfg like i386/cdrom.cfg

this line adds libresolv and libnss_dns and after that I got name
resolution. [ BTW, I just found that jbailey already found it since
friday, I really need to read more carefully next time :) ]
Anyway, if you don't apply his config, please add this line.

Jeff, if you want to autobuild working netboot image, you should apply
this patch. But it maybe breaks cdrom builds ...

Once these bugs are resolved, and fdisk-udeb, new kbd-chooser and
partionner are added to the archive, we will have a good d-i for sparc !

Thomas Poindessous

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvsroot/d-i/debian-installer/build/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.281
diff -u -r1.281 Makefile
--- Makefile    13 Feb 2004 23:08:55 -0000      1.281
+++ Makefile    15 Feb 2004 22:57:13 -0000
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
        cat $(TEMP)/all.utf | LOCPATH=$(LOCALE_PATH) LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 reduce-font 
/usr/src/unifont.bdf > $(TEMP)/unifont.bdf
        # bdftobogl is part of package libbogl-dev
-       bdftobogl -b $(TEMP)/unifont.bdf > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+       bdftobogl -b $(TEMP)///unifont.bdf > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        mv [EMAIL PROTECTED] $@

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