Package: installation-reports INSTALL REPORT
Debian-installer-version: 03-02-2004 i386 netinst uname -a: not available, 2.4.22-1-386 installed Date: Wed Feb 4 00:08:06 CET 2004 Method: boot from cdrom Machine: custom PC Processor: amd k6/2 350mhz Memory: 256mb Root Device: hda: wester digital 4,2gb Root Size/partition table: hda2 1gb Output of lspci: not available but i saved /var/log/debian-installer/ Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot worked: [O] Configure network HW: [O] Config network: [O] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Create file systems: [O] Mount partitions: [O] Install base system: [O] Install boot loader: [E] see below Reboot: [O] [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Comments/Problems: all went fine, none of the udebs failed and the priority didn't get lowered, which is good. however, grub-installer did NOT ask me if I want to install the boot loader, overwriting mine, which is NOT good. To me, this is not the good default behaviour for the general user. at least asking would be good (okay, for the random user this might be confusing, then defaulting to "yes" should be ok). I know this issue has already been raised, anyhow at least a backup of the MBR should be done and document it somewhere. thanks for the great debian-installer! filippo -- Filippo Giunchedi GNU/PG key: 6B79D401 Random signature below: I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book. -- Groucho Marx
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