Update of /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian
In directory gluck:/tmp/cvs-serv5869/debian

Modified Files:
        README.Debian TODO changelog control copyright logrotate 
        postinst postrm rules templates 
Log Message:
Checking in my changes for version 2.0. This includes many file moves.

Index: postinst
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/postinst,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -d -r1.41 -r1.42
--- postinst    8 May 2002 02:27:16 -0000       1.41
+++ postinst    8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.42
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 # This package does use debconf, but there is no config script.
 . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
-if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 1.33.13; then
+if [ "$1" = configure ] && dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt 2.00; then
        # Clean up old debconf questions that are no longer in this package.
        db_unregister base-config/make-user                     || true
        db_unregister base-config/md5                           || true
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@
        db_unregister base-config/keymap-failed                 || true
        db_unregister base-config/selection-path                || true
        db_unregister tzconfig/settings                         || true
+       db_unregister apt-setup/distribution                    || true
+       db_unregister apt-setup/http_proxy                      || true

Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- TODO        14 Jun 2002 00:18:59 -0000      1.18
+++ TODO        8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.19
@@ -4,7 +4,21 @@
 * if apt-setup fails an apt-get update run, should offer to retry as well
   as the two choices it gives now, since it might be intermittent network
-* It might be useful to extend the environemtn variable stuff to setting of
+* It might be useful to extend the environment variable stuff to setting of
   debconf questions. The idea being that you could then set a few at the
   lilo command line, set the frontend to noninteractive and walk away while
   it installs.
+* Drop support for dbootstrap_settings, now that it supports d-i debconf
+  db.
+* map between cdebconf frontends and debconf frontend, so you can start
+  with "text" and end with "readline". It may be better really to put this
+  mapping in debconf, or wait until cdebconf replaces debconf on the second
+  stage.
+* The problem with the unseen-only stuff and dpkg-reconfigure is that
+  if a user is using base-config in a new install at medium priority, they
+  can select a menu item multiple times, and it should work each time.
+  How to reconcile this with pre-seeding?
+* tzsetup should use info from d-i as a hint at the correct location.
+* Replace the mirror selection part of apt-setup with choose-mirror from
+  d-i. Waiting on a deb, which is waiting on the archive being changed to
+  allow debs with the same name as udebs.

Index: README.Debian
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/README.Debian,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- README.Debian       2 Jul 2001 23:02:10 -0000       1.4
+++ README.Debian       8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.5
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-This package can be removed from your system. It was used to ask you some
-questions when you freshly installed debian and booted it up for the first
-time, and is no longer needed.
+The base-confug package can be removed from your system. It was used to ask
+you some questions when you freshly installed debian and booted it up for
+the first time, and is no longer needed.
 If you'd like to be asked those questions again, you can; just run
 'base-config'. You might also prefer to just run 'apt-setup' to revisit the
 apt setup portion.
-A transcript of base-config runs can be found in /var/log/installer.log.
+A transcript of base-config runs can be found in /var/log/base-config.log.
 -- Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Index: rules
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/rules,v
retrieving revision 1.42
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -d -r1.42 -r1.43
--- rules       5 May 2003 21:15:27 -0000       1.42
+++ rules       8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.43
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
        dh_installdirs usr/share/lintian/overrides
        cp debian/override debian/base-config/usr/share/lintian/overrides/base-config
        dh_install apt-setup tzsetup base-config termwrap validlocale usr/sbin/
-       dh_install lib/[0-9]* usr/lib/base-config/
-       dh_install Mirrors.masterlist usr/share/base-config/
+       dh_install Mirrors.masterlist usr/lib/base-config/
+       dh_install lib/* usr/lib/base-config/
        make -C po install prefix=`pwd`/debian/base-config
 # Build architecture-dependent files here.

Index: changelog
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/changelog,v
retrieving revision 1.222
retrieving revision 1.223
diff -u -d -r1.222 -r1.223
--- changelog   18 Nov 2003 17:27:51 -0000      1.222
+++ changelog   8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.223
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-base-config (1.76) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+base-config (2.00) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Safir Secerovic
     - Add Bosnian translation (bs.po).
@@ -7,7 +7,94 @@
   * Ilgiz Kalmetev
     - Update Russian templates tranlsation. Closes: #221445
   * Sent a few things to /dev/null.
+  * Rename apt-setup/distribution to mirror/distribution, and
+    apt-setup/http_proxy to mirror/http/proxy, to match values from
+    debian-installer.
+    Note that I still use symbolic release names in mirror/distribution,
+    in contrast to d-i. I will accept code names though.
+  * Add debian-installer/keymap dummy template to get values copied from d-i.
+  * Inherit debconf/priority from d-i. This means it defaults to high for
+    most installs, which is a large change!
+  * Add support for copying configs in from a d-i cdebconf db, and for
+    setting LANG based on debian-installer/locale. When present, a cdebconf
+    db overrides dbootstrap_settings, but the old file is still supported,
+    for now, for compatability.
+  * Applied patch from Christian Perrier for debconf template polishing.
+    Closes: #220836
+    (However, there were some rejects, and so it was a hand merge, and
+    the French translaton update part of the patch was droppd.)
+  * Remove "persistent" from apt-setup/security-updates, added incorrectly
+    by above patch.
+  * No longer take the mere presense of /root/dbootstrap_settings as an
+    indication of a new install; $1 must equal new.
+  * Move and rename scripts that can be menu items, and add .mnu files to
+    control their order and usage.
+  * Add menu items to debconf templates.
+  * Change hostname script to always prompt for the hostname at at least
+    medium priority, but use high if the hostname is not set at all.
+    This is so it will do something if picked manually from the menu.
+  * Also, if the hostname is "localhost", as set by d-i on a non-networked
+    (or dhcp?) install, always ask about it at high priority.
+  * Fix hostname script to not do the stupid substitute into a default thing;
+    the SET command is there for a reason.
+  * Don't bother asking about or doing a poff.
+  * Add a menu item to run a shell.
+  * Merge the X hack and popcon into the pkgsel and apt-get steps.
+  * Move the note about base-config from the intro to the final message.
+  * Merge screen blanking code into intro and finish.
+  * Merge all the final stuff into one finish menu item, which has better
+    flow than we had before, with the final message really being final.
+  * Enable xdm starter.
+  * Remove redundant LANG setting code from base-config program, it will 
+    only be handled by termwrap now.
+  * Modify base-config to display a menu at medium priority, and operate
+    based on .mnu files. If something goes wrong, drop debconf priority to a
+    level that displays the menu, from which you can retry steps to hopefully
+    correct it. Closes: #55403, #127678, #197073, #159544
+  * Update base-config man page to document new stuff.
+  * Only pass --unseen-only to dpkg-reconfigure calls when it's a new
+    install. If base-config is re-run, old questions should also be
+    shown.
+  * Make pkgsel set a default package selector.
+  * Improve localised strings for package selectors.
+  * Cleaned up title setting.
+  * Depend on debconf 1.3.22 for SETTITLE support and debconf-communicate.
+  * Convert the install-problem template to a note, and always display the
+    main menu if it fails there.
+  * Increase the priority of the package selector question to high.
+    Without displaying that question, I'd need a high priority note to explain
+    what comes next anyway.
+  * Remove text in hostname question about it being a fqdn. d-i puts a non
+    qualified name in there, after all.
+  * Display the welcome banner and final message at high priority so they
+    will still be visible.
+  * Rename the log file to base-config.log.
+  * Remove console tools removal code for serial consoles, d-i just doesn't
+    install it in that case.
+  * The console-tools keymap file has changed from
+    /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz to /etc/console/boottime.kmap.gz.
+    Probably Closes: #212440, #212448 (I'd appreciate some more testing.)
+  * Rename KEEP_BASE_DEBS to KEEP_DEBS and make it disable all apt-get clean
+    calls in base-config. Closes: #217814
+  * If the user includes non-free, always pull in contrib. Conversly, if they
+    do not pick non-free, then ask about contrib at a low priority. There
+    are a few things in contrib that do not depend on non-free.
+    Closes: #209403
+  * Move Mirrors.masterlist to libdir so it will be copied to tmp with
+    everything else.
+  * Clarified the PPP question.
+  * Propigate exit code from apt-setup out to menu to allow fallback.
+  * Make tzsetup exit 30 if backed up past its start.
+  * Similar changes to finish, hostname, intro, pkgsel, pon.
+  * Bugs filed on console-data, passwd, exim4-config, to get them to exit
+    30 appropriatly as well. This leaves only apt-get that in general you
+    cannot back up from.
+  * Turn on capb backup for all of base-config.
+  * Make base-config itself exit 30 if you back up from the main menu.
+  * Urgency medium because this will get little testing before it is in
+    testing, and because some of the unfiled bugs fixed above are really
+    release critical.
  -- Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Mon, 10 Nov 2003 01:07:19 -0500
 base-config (1.75) unstable; urgency=low

Index: copyright
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/copyright,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- copyright   3 Feb 2003 04:57:35 -0000       1.5
+++ copyright   8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.6
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
    02111-1307, USA.
 On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
-Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.
+Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

Index: postrm
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/postrm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- postrm      8 May 2002 02:27:16 -0000       1.2
+++ postrm      8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.3
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
 #!/bin/sh -e
 if [ "$1" = purge ]; then
+       rm -f /var/log/base-config.log* 2>/dev/null || true
+       rm -f /var/log/base-config.timings* 2>/dev/null || true
+       # From base-config prior to 2.0.
        rm -f /var/log/installer.log* 2>/dev/null || true
        rm -f /var/log/installer.timings* 2>/dev/null || true

Index: logrotate
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/logrotate,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- logrotate   8 May 2002 02:27:16 -0000       1.2
+++ logrotate   8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.3
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # This is the log file for the installation of debian, and for base-config.
 # Useful mainly for post-morten debugging, and if the install went ok, it
 # will normally be deleted after one month.
-/var/log/installer.log {
+/var/log/base-config.log {
        rotate 4
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
-/var/log/installer.timings {
+/var/log/base-config.timings {
        rotate 4

Index: control
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/control,v
retrieving revision 1.58
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -d -r1.58 -r1.59
--- control     7 Sep 2003 20:23:53 -0000       1.58
+++ control     8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.59
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 Package: base-config
 Architecture: all
-Depends: debconf (>= 1.2.19), apt, adduser, console-data (>= 2002.12.04dbs-16), 
console-tools, passwd (>= 20000902-6), bsdutils (>= 1:2.11l)
+Depends: debconf (>= 1.3.22), apt, adduser, console-data (>= 2002.12.04dbs-16), 
console-tools, passwd (>= 20000902-6), bsdutils (>= 1:2.11l)
 Conflicts: debconf (<< 0.2.79), debconf-tiny (<< 0.2.79)
 Replaces: debconf (<< 0.2.79), debconf-tiny (<< 0.2.79)
-Description: Debian base configuration package
+Description: Debian base system configurator
  This package handles setting up the Debian base system. It contains the
- questions you see when you install Debian for the first time and boot up
- your new Debian system.
+ configuration program you see when you install Debian for the first time
+ and boot up your new Debian system.
- It can be removed with no ill effects -- now that your Debian system is
+ It can be removed with no ill effects -- once your Debian system is
  installed, this package's only useful function is to allow you to
- reconfigure some of the things it asked you about earlier.
+ reconfigure some things.

Index: templates
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/base-config/debian/templates,v
retrieving revision 1.47
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -d -r1.47 -r1.48
--- templates   5 Sep 2003 05:26:41 -0000       1.47
+++ templates   8 Dec 2003 23:17:14 -0000       1.48
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+Template: base-config/title
+Type: title
+_Description: Debian base system configuration
+Template: base-config/main-menu
+Type: select
+Choices: ${CHOICES}
+_Description: Choose the next step in the install process:
+ This is the base system configuration menu.
 Template: base-config/intro
 Type: note
 _Description: Welcome to your new Debian system!
@@ -6,33 +16,34 @@
  selection, setting a root password and adding a user, and then progress to
  installing additional software to tune this new Debian system to your
- .
- If you want to revisit this setup process at a later date, just run
- /usr/sbin/base-config.
 Template: base-config/use-ppp
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Do you want to use a PPP connection to install the system?
- If you have an account on an ISP, and you want to use it to fetch the
- packages to install on the system from the Internet, you may configure the
- PPP service now, and open a PPP connection to your ISP.
+_Description: Use a PPP connection to install the system?
+ This system does not seem to be currently connected to the internet.
+ Even if you plan to install from CD, it is wise to download at least
+ security updates from the internet.
+ .
+ If you have an account on an Internet Services Provider (ISP), and
+ you want to use it during the install, you may configure the PPP
+ service now, and open a PPP connection to your ISP.
 Template: base-config/pkgsel
 Type: select
 Choices: ${choices}
-_Description: Choose a program to run:
- You currently have a very minimal Debian system installed. You should
- probably choose more software to be installed to customize the computer
+_Description: Software selection method:
+ You can choose more software to be installed to customize the computer
  for your particular needs. The following methods are available to select
- more software.
+ software to install.
 Template: base-config/install-problem
-Type: boolean
+Type: note
 Default: true
-_Description: Packages failed to install. Back up and try again?
- One or more packages failed to install. This is probably due to bugs in
- the packages. (Sorry; Debian's not perfect!)
+_Description: There was a problem installing the selected software
+ One or more packages failed to install. This may be due to bugs in
+ the packages, or you may be out of disk space or experiencing some other
+ problem.
  Simply trying to install those packages (or a slightly different set of
  packages) again may work around the problem, or at least move the
@@ -42,34 +53,28 @@
  If you decide not to try again, bear in mind that some packages on your
  system will be in a broken state until you manually resolve the problem.
-Template: base-config/stop-ppp
-Type: boolean
-Default: true
-_Description: Do you want me to close the PPP connection?
- The installation is complete. I can close the PPP connection to your  ISP
- now or I can keep it open if you want.
- .
- If you decide to keep it open, remember to use 'poff' to close it when you
- finish.
 Template: base-config/login
 Type: note
 _Description: Thank you for choosing Debian!
+ Setup of your Debian system is complete.
  You may now login at the login: prompt.
+ .
+ If you want to revisit this setup process at a later date, just run
+ the base-config program.
 Template: base-config/get-hostname
 Type: string
-Default: ${HOSTNAME}
-_Description: Enter the system's hostname including domain name.
+_Description: System hostname:
+ Please enter your system hostname.
+ .
  The hostname is a name that identifies your system to the network.
  If you don't know what your hostname should be, consult your network
- administrator.  If you are setting up your own home network, you can
- make something up here.  We recommend using the full qualified name,
- including domain name.
+ administrator. If you are setting up your own home network, you can
+ make something up here.
 Template: base-config/invalid-hostname
 Type: note
-_Description: The hostname "${HOSTNAME}" is invalid.
+_Description: Invalid hostname "${HOSTNAME}"
  A valid hostname may contain period-separated parts containing only
  alphanumeric characters and the minus sign, be between 2 and 63
  characters long, and each part cannot begin or end with a minus sign.
@@ -78,6 +83,59 @@
 Type: boolean
 Default: true
 _Description: Do you want to start the graphical display manager?
- The graphical display manager make it possible to log in using
+ The graphical display manager makes it possible to log in using
  a graphical environment.
+Template: base-config/menu/intro
+Type: text
+_Description: Display introductory message
+Template: base-config/menu/keyboard
+Type: text
+_Description: Configure the keyboard
+Template: base-config/menu/timezone
+Type: text
+_Description: Configure timezone
+Template: base-config/menu/passwd
+Type: text
+_Description: Set up users and passwords
+Template: base-config/menu/hostname
+Type: text
+_Description: Set the hostname
+Template: base-config/menu/pon
+Type: text
+_Description: Configure and enable ppp
+Template: base-config/menu/apt-setup
+Type: text
+_Description: Configure apt
+Template: base-config/menu/pkgsel
+Type: text
+_Description: Select packages to install
+Template: base-config/menu/apt-get
+Type: text
+_Description: Install selected packages
+Template: base-config/menu/mta
+Type: text
+_Description: Configure the Mail Transfer Agent
+Template: base-config/menu/finish
+Type: text
+_Description: Finish configuring the base system
+Template: base-config/menu/shell
+Type: text
+_Description: Execute a shell
+Template: debian-installer/keymap
+Type: string
+Description: dummy item
+ This is a dummy item, containing the value of debian-installer/keymap from
+ the debian-installer cdebconf database.

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