Update of /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect
In directory gluck:/tmp/cvs-serv1682

Modified Files:
        TODO ethdetect.sh hw-detect.sh 
Log Message:
    - Use register-module to register modules for ide and scsi CDROMS,
      so they will be available for base-config.
    - Use register-module to register any module parameters that are entered
      by the user.
    - Fix ethdetect to not write kernel module parameters to
      /target/etc/modules; instead use register-module here too.
    - Add a versioned dep on rootskel.
    - Based on user reports, users are very confused to see the missing
      modules dialog for stuff like ide-floppy, which is both unavailable
      and not autodetected. So leave off non-autodetectable modules from the
      missing modules message.

Index: TODO
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -d -r1.6 -r1.7
--- TODO        2 Sep 2002 20:54:01 -0000       1.6
+++ TODO        8 Dec 2003 21:54:29 -0000       1.7
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+* autodetection of ide devices would be nice, rather than always loading
+  the ide modules
 * perhaps probe to see if the module can actually be loaded before bugging the
   user for any more information?

Index: ethdetect.sh
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/ethdetect.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- ethdetect.sh        13 Nov 2003 16:54:59 -0000      1.9
+++ ethdetect.sh        8 Dec 2003 21:54:29 -0000       1.10
@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@
     db_get ethdetect/module_params
     if modprobe -v "$module" $RET ; then
-       prebaseconfig=/usr/lib/prebaseconfig.d/40ethdetect
-       echo "echo \"$module $RET\" >> /target/etc/modules" >> $prebaseconfig
+       if [ "$RET" != "" ]; then
+               register-module "$module" $RET
+       fi
        db_subst ethdetect/modprobe_error CMD_LINE_PARAM "modprobe -v $module"
        db_input critical ethdetect/modprobe_error || [ $? -eq 30 ]
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
     if [ -n "$module" ] && is_not_loaded "$module" ; then
+       register-module "$module"
        module_probe "$module"

Index: hw-detect.sh
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/hw-detect.sh,v
retrieving revision 1.39
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -d -r1.39 -r1.40
--- hw-detect.sh        11 Nov 2003 17:09:50 -0000      1.39
+++ hw-detect.sh        8 Dec 2003 21:54:29 -0000       1.40
@@ -32,13 +32,11 @@
     db_input low hw-detect/module_params || [ $? -eq 30 ]
     db_get hw-detect/module_params
-    if modprobe -v "$module" $RET >> /var/log/messages 2>&1 ; then
-       # Not sure if this is useful.  After all, 'discover' is installed
-       # in /target/. [pere 2003-04-18]
-       #prebaseconfig=/usr/lib/prebaseconfig.d/40ethdetect
-       #echo "echo \"$module $RET\" >> /target/etc/modules" >> $prebaseconfig
-       :
-    else
+    if modprobe -v "$module" "$RET" >> /var/log/messages 2>&1 ; then
+       if [ "$RET" != "" ]; then
+               register-module "$module" "$RET"
+       fi
+    else   
        db_fset hw-detect/modprobe_error seen false
        db_subst hw-detect/modprobe_error CMD_LINE_PARAM "modprobe -v $module"
        db_input medium hw-detect/modprobe_error || [ $? -eq 30 ]
@@ -98,31 +96,26 @@
 # Return list of lines with "Kernel module<tab>Vendor<tab>Model"
-get_hw_info() {
-    # Try to make sure the floppy driver is available
-    echo "floppy:Linux Floppy Driver"
+get_all_hw_info() {
-    # Manually load modules to enable things we can't detect.
-    # XXX: This isn't the best way to do this; we should autodetect.
-    # The order of these packages are important. [pere 2003-03-16]
-    echo "ide-mod:Linux IDE driver"
-    echo "ide-probe-mod:Linux IDE probe driver"
-    get_ide_chipset_info
-    echo "ide-detect:Linux IDE detection driver"
-    echo "ide-floppy:Linux IDE floppy driver"
-    echo "ide-disk:Linux ATA DISK driver"
-    echo "ide-cd:Linux ATAPI CD-ROM driver"
-    echo "isofs:Linux ISO 9660 filesystem driver"
     if [ -d /proc/bus/usb ]; then
        echo "usb-storage:USB storage"
+    get_manual_hw_info
+# Manually load modules to enable things we can't detect.
+# XXX: This isn't the best way to do this; we should autodetect.
+# The order of these modules are important. [pere 2003-03-16]
+get_manual_hw_info() {
+    echo "floppy:Linux Floppy"
+    get_ide_chipset_info
+    echo "ide-detect:Linux IDE detection"
+    echo "ide-floppy:Linux IDE floppy"
+    echo "ide-disk:Linux ATA DISK"
+    echo "ide-cd:Linux ATAPI CD-ROM"
+    echo "isofs:Linux ISO 9660 filesystem"
 db_settitle hw-detect/title
@@ -131,7 +124,8 @@
 # detection should hang.
 db_progress START 0 2 hw-detect/detect_progress_title
 db_progress INFO hw-detect/detect_progress_step
 db_progress STEP 1
 # Remove modules that are already loaded, and count how many are left.
 LOADED_MODULES=$(cat /proc/modules | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
@@ -195,10 +189,14 @@
                    db_subst hw-detect/load_progress_skip_step MODULE "$module"
                    db_progress INFO hw-detect/load_progress_skip_step
                    log "Could not load driver '$module' for '$cardname'."
-                   if [ -n "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST" ]; then
-                           MISSING_MODULES_LIST="$MISSING_MODULES_LIST, "
+                   # Only add the module to the missing list if it was not
+                   # manually added to the list of modules to load.
+                   if ! echo "$MANUAL_HW_INFO" | grep -q "$module:"; then
+                           if [ -n "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST" ]; then
+                                   MISSING_MODULES_LIST="$MISSING_MODULES_LIST, "
+                           fi
+                           MISSING_MODULES_LIST="$MISSING_MODULES_LIST$module 
-                   MISSING_MODULES_LIST="$MISSING_MODULES_LIST$module ($cardname)"
@@ -222,9 +220,17 @@
        for module in sd_mod sr_mod; do
                if is_not_loaded "$module" ; then
                        load_modules $module
+                       register-module $module
+# if there is an ide bus, then register the ide CD modules so they'll be
+# available on the target system for base-config
+if [ -e /proc/ide/ -a "`find /proc/ide/* -type d 2>/dev/null`" != "" ]; then
+       register-module ide-cd
+       register-module ide-detect
 if [ -n "$MISSING_MODULES_LIST" ]; then

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