Update of /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/debian
In directory gluck:/tmp/cvs-serv1682/debian

Modified Files:
        changelog control 
Log Message:
    - Use register-module to register modules for ide and scsi CDROMS,
      so they will be available for base-config.
    - Use register-module to register any module parameters that are entered
      by the user.
    - Fix ethdetect to not write kernel module parameters to
      /target/etc/modules; instead use register-module here too.
    - Add a versioned dep on rootskel.
    - Based on user reports, users are very confused to see the missing
      modules dialog for stuff like ide-floppy, which is both unavailable
      and not autodetected. So leave off non-autodetectable modules from the
      missing modules message.

Index: changelog
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/debian/changelog,v
retrieving revision 1.218
retrieving revision 1.219
diff -u -d -r1.218 -r1.219
--- changelog   19 Nov 2003 23:14:19 -0000      1.218
+++ changelog   8 Dec 2003 21:54:29 -0000       1.219
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
     - Remove the bogus "false" from the end of the modprobe error message
     - Sort the list of modules for manual selection.
+    - Use register-module to register modules for ide and scsi CDROMS,
+      so they will be available for base-config.
+    - Use register-module to register any module parameters that are entered
+      by the user.
+    - Fix ethdetect to not write kernel module parameters to
+      /target/etc/modules; instead use register-module here too.
+    - Add a versioned dep on rootskel.
+    - Based on user reports, users are very confused to see the missing
+      modules dialog for stuff like ide-floppy, which is both unavailable
+      and not autodetected. So leave off non-autodetectable modules from the
+      missing modules message.
   * Claus Hindsgaul
     - Update da (Danish) translation.
   * Konstantinos Margaritis

Index: control
RCS file: /cvs/debian-boot/debian-installer/tools/ddetect/debian/control,v
retrieving revision 1.47
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -d -r1.47 -r1.48
--- control     5 Nov 2003 16:14:40 -0000       1.47
+++ control     8 Dec 2003 21:54:29 -0000       1.48
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 Package: hw-detect
 Architecture: all
-Depends: discover-udeb, discover-data-udeb
+Depends: discover-udeb, discover-data-udeb, rootskel (>= 0.54)
 Description: Detect hardware and load kernel drivers for it
  Using discover to find the HW.
@@ -34,4 +34,3 @@
 Architecture: any
 Description: Hardware architect detector
  This module detects the different hardware architectures.

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