mån 2003-03-17 klockan 14.55 skrev Denis Barbier:
> > The fix is probably simple, move the argument splitting from confmodule
> > to the individual commands.
> Then the debconf protocol should specify when spaces are significant and
> when they are not.

I would think it obvious that they would be significant inside the
strings I want to substitute in.

> > Maybe we should do some thinking and decide exactly which header files
> > need to be in the -dev package. debconfclient.h obviously. frontend.h
> > and whatever the frontends need? Damn, looking at text.c that's a lot.
> > :(
> > 
> > But I don't see why confmodule.h and commands.h need to be there.
> But is there a need for -dev at all? debconfclient.[ch] should go into
> debconf, these files define a C interface similar to current Perl, Python
> or shell ones.  Other .h files are useless, aren't they?

debconf or cdebconf? I think it's quite reasonable to have a
libdebconf1-dev for the libdebconf1 package (which is still needed, no
matter whether you've got debconf or cdebconf installed).

Perhaps it's an idea to split libdebconf in libdebconfclient and
libcdebconf? (note the c, since that package would only be used together
with cdebconf, to write frontends perhaps).

Martin Sjögren
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
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