tis 2003-01-21 klockan 13.31 skrev Chris Tillman: > Next I tried make demo, keep in mind that I have no idea what I'm > doing here; if my comments are ignorable, please do so ...
:-) I'm snipping the parts that I don't really have any comments on, or don't know anything about. > For the first make demo, I got > Cannot open template file /var/lib/cdebconf/templates.dat > > However, that file was there when I executed a shell immediately > afterward. It must be created there after its absence is first > detected. Perhaps wait to report the error until the fix is tried? Yes, this is a warning that cdebconf spits out. I think it's totally unnecessary to print it. Ignore it for now. > What is the proper command to exit the shell and re-enter the main > menu? I typed exit in the shell and the demo stopped. Heck, on x86 I can't even get a shell in make demo. Or maybe I can nowadays, I haven't tried for a long time. exit *should* exit dash but not the rest of d-i! ctrl-d for EOF works for me in vmware. > After choosing the retriever (choice 1 of 1), I tried to choose > modules. The menu kept coming back whenever I typed a number, > leading me to believe that nothing was being accomplished. I'd > suggest a line just before the prompt listing Chosen: numbers > as a feedback for the user. The items you select should have a '(selected)' thingy after them, but it's easy to miss. > Detect hard drives also gave no feedback as to whether it > was successful or not, but the menu default was changed to Yup. I guess there's a tradeoff between verbosity and irritation over hitting enter a gazillion times... Not saying anything if it's all right is very unixy but perhaps not proper in an installer. > Automatically Partition (unsafe) (default). IMHO this should > not ever become default. Odd, it usually appears below the normal Partition choice for me, so it should become default. > Skipping the partition and filesystem steps, the installer > helpfully warns that I haven't done those, yet gives me the > option to say I already did them. This is a nice touch, I think. Thanks, but the mechanism is implemented in a very ugly way right now (dummy packages). It will probably be replaced by a more general mechanisms that use Recommends instead of Depends. > di-utils-mount-partitions/which-partition PARTITIOMS also fails with > an incorrect number of arguments, postinst exited with status > 5120. Again, this code is probably trying to read my Mac partition > table as if it was an i386 one. Probably, yes. > All in all, very impressive so far. It builds and works smoothly > and quickly. We just need some powerpc disk guru to help a little > in order to go any further on powerpc. Sounds great! /Martin
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