Marc Haber <> writes:

> On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 07:52:12PM +0000, josesanchez2782 wrote:
>> Hello, I would like to suggest a new option in the Debian GUI installer. 
>> Currently, when you enable full disk encryption with LUKS, it automatically 
>> overwrites all the bits in the drive in the secure delete step before 
>> enabling LUKS and installing Debian.
> That option does already exist. It is however not obvious. And I always
> forget to set it, too.

I was under the impression that one could simply cancel the erase, and
continue with the install.

Actually, looking at the relevant templates, it is even supposed to tell
you that:

  "... This step may be skipped by cancelling this action, albeit ..."

so if that's not showing up on the screen for you, please report a bug.

Also, since Stretch (Debian 9) we've had a preseed variable for the purpose:


which can be set to 'false' to skip this step, as you can see here:

  (look for "erase_disks")


Cheers, Phil.
Philip Hands --

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