On 23/09/2024 at 22:39, Holger Wansing wrote:
Pascal Hambourg <pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org> wrote (Mon, 23 Sep 2024 19:59:41
On 23/09/2024 àat 16:57, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
Testing a local build against unstable, with a regular BIOS-based setup,
I'm seeing a failure to automatically partition a 5G disk, which I'd
call a major regression.
Which method and recipe did you use ?
With a 5GB disk, the only available recipe should be "small_disk"
without LVM. On BIOS setup it requires at least 2.5GB disk space so it
should not fail on a 5GB disk (I just tested).
Other recipes require 7.5-12.5GB, so they should not be offered.
I guess that's just another case of the "reuse" feature leading to
unexpected results, as in
Even when subtracting the reusable swap partition, all the other recipes
require more than 5GB so they should not be offered.