
Pascal Hambourg <pas...@plouf.fr.eu.org> wrote (Mon, 23 Sep 2024 19:59:41 
> On 23/09/2024 àat 16:57, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> > 
> > Testing a local build against unstable, with a regular BIOS-based setup,
> > I'm seeing a failure to automatically partition a 5G disk, which I'd
> > call a major regression.
> Which method and recipe did you use ?
> With a 5GB disk, the only available recipe should be "small_disk" 
> without LVM. On BIOS setup it requires at least 2.5GB disk space so it 
> should not fail on a 5GB disk (I just tested).
> Other recipes require 7.5-12.5GB, so they should not be offered.

I guess that's just another case of the "reuse" feature leading to
unexpected results, as in

MR!17 has been filed to fix this bug. See

A test with a freshly generated QEMU disk with 5G size shows no errors here,
the only provided recipe is the "small disk (<10G) partitioning scheme",
leading to a 4.7G root partition and 701 MB swap.
The rest of the installation completed without error.

> > I'm not sure *where* I'd put the limit, but failing to partition a 5G
> > or 10G disk really doesn't seem acceptable to me.
> Our assumption was that guided partitioning primarily targeted casual 
> desktop/laptop users who want to install a standard system with a 
> desktop environement, so we raised the limits of the "standard" recipes 
> (atomic, home, multi) to enforce this use case. The "small_disk" recipe 
> was added to support small disks in other use cases.
> Maybe we went to far ?

Looks fine to me as it is...


Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org>
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