Hi, as the content for the release notes was suggested to be put into the Wiki (instead?) anyway, how about, to lower translator burden, there *will* be put a section about this into the installation guide, but one that is mostly comprised of a link to the Wiki, with a short intro.
@Matthew: that’s most certainly an em dash there; normally, you render an em dash as U+2014 surrounded by U+200A (hair space) on both sides (some US-american publishers seem to omit the hair spaces; in Tₑχ/LᴬTᴇΧ I personally realise them as ⅙em which may be slightly wider than the hair spaces of some publishers but find this makes it easier to read). Now I have no idea how this is best done in the sources for the Debian installation guide… bye, //mirabilos -- Gestern Nacht ist mein IRC-Netzwerk explodiert. Ich hatte nicht damit gerechnet, darum bin ich blutverschmiert… wer konnte ahnen, daß SIE so reagier’n… gestern Nacht ist mein IRC-Netzwerk explodiert~~~ (as of 2021-06-15 The MirOS Project temporarily reconvenes on OFTC)