Geert Stappers, le dim. 23 août 2020 09:57:23 +0200, a ecrit:
> He is preventing that (potential) developers get tired
> by seeing again and again bug reports no one cares about.

? I don't understand the logic.

If a bug is raised again and again, that should raise developers'
attention. Agree here I seem to be alone raising the concern. I tend to
think that my colleague wouldn't be alone making the mistake, and we
just do not get the grumbling signal of people realizing after
installation that they got a 32bit system, and will just think "bleh,
dumb Debian again" and not bother making a report.

> Samuel please respect the work of Holger Wansing and leave this BR closed and
> > > > If you know, that the issue you reported (and gets closed here) is 
> > > > still existing
> > > > in recent installation images, please file a new report for that!

I even less understand the logic. Yes, the bug is still existing: the
installer doesn't warn about installing 32bit on 64bit. But reporting
a new bug report would leave the old one unseen. And it'd then be even
less informative: with the new bug report only we would not remember
that nobody took the care to implement it while it was reported 4 years

> The win-win-win situation is
> * There is a BR that i386 image checks for amd64 host and informs user about 
> it
> * Holgers good work is respected
> * BTS has only open BR that deserve attention, which keeps developers
>   motivated to check BTS for what needs to be done

I completely support Holgers' good work, that's not the question!

But point 3 contradicts what you wrote above: not having the information
that the bug was already reported 4 years ago gives a wrong signal to
developers: possibly we don't actually want to spend time implementing
it, and just re-filing a bug report "just because yes it is still not
implemented" gives a wrong priority signal.


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