[ cc'ing Alper ]

john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com> writes:


> The below command get me directly to the language selection screen which
> I belaeve is what you want?:
> qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=debian.img,format=raw -m 1024 -boot d
> -nographic -cdrom debian-bullseye-DI-alpha2-amd64-netinst.iso -kernel
> vmlinuz  -append "console=ttyS0,115200n8 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=text" -initrd
> initrd.gz

Thanks for the qemu command line. Using the extracted kernel and initrd,
this was able to launch the installer in text mode.

Incidentally, this does not work if '-m 1024' is missing. Kernel boot
fails to find 'init'. I suspect that the Qemu default RAM configuration
is not sufficient to unpack the initrd.

Based on this, updated version of Alper's instructions now launch the DI
without the need to extract the kernel / initrd.

    $ qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom *.iso -nographic -vga none -m 1024

    Edit the 'Install' option (by removing 'quiet' and 'vga=788') into:

    /install.amd/vmlinuz initrd=/install.amd/initrd.gz --- console=ttyS0

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